Monday, June 24, 2024

Planting Seeds for Growth - Pastor Johnnie Simpson Jr.

In this powerful message, we explore the parable of the sower from Mark 4:26-34, focusing on the theme of 'planting seeds for growth.' Just as a farmer scatters seeds without fully understanding how they grow, we're called to faithfully plant spiritual seeds in our lives and the lives of others. The kingdom of God is compared to this process, emphasizing that growth often happens in ways we can't see or control. We're reminded that our role is to plant and nurture, while trusting God with the results. This parable encourages us to persevere in our faith and service, even when we don't immediately see the fruits of our labor. It's a call to patience, hope, and trust in God's timing and power to bring about growth and transformation in unexpected ways.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Inside Out Jesus - Pastor Johnnie Simpson Jr.

This powerful message challenges us to embrace an 'inside out' faith that turns the world's values upside down. Just as Jesus defied social norms and expectations, we are called to live counter-culturally - loving our enemies, storing up treasures in heaven rather than on earth, and finding true family among fellow disciples. The story of Jesus healing on the Sabbath and facing accusations of being possessed by demons illustrates how walking in God's will often provokes resistance from those invested in the status quo. Yet Jesus responds with wisdom and authority, inviting us to a radical new understanding of God's Kingdom that cannot be divided or defeated. As we align our lives with Christ and his upside-down Kingdom, we experience transformation from the inside out.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Loving the New Normal - Pastor Johnnie Simpson Jr.

The key message is that our true worth comes from what's inside us - the grace of God - not external things like credentials, abilities or status. Just as clay jars held valuable contents despite plain exteriors, we have spiritual treasures within our earthly bodies. The apostle Paul faced criticism and hardships, but relied on God's power, not his own, to persevere. Troubles and afflictions in this life are temporary; by holding fast to our eternal hope in Christ, we can endure and move forward in faith. This inspiring message reminds us to focus on the eternal over the temporary, and find our identity in God's love for us.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Avoiding a False Front - Pastor Johnnie Simpson Jr.

This powerful message explores the struggle between living according to the flesh versus living by the Spirit. We are reminded that while the flesh is concerned with worldly success and keeping up appearances, this ultimately leads to burnout, anxiety and spiritual emptiness. The key is developing intimacy with God the Father and being led by the Holy Spirit. By investing time in our relationship with God and allowing Him to fill us, we gain access to an eternal inheritance as God's children. The passage from Romans 8 emphasizes that we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ when we are adopted into God's family. This gives us confidence and comfort, knowing we belong and have a close relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Ultimately, living by the Spirit frees us from putting on a false front, allowing us to experience real, fulfilling relationships with God and others in the family of faith.