Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tragedy and Gun Control

Tragedy and Gun Control

If you have been watching the news, you no doubt have heard about the senseless tragedy in Newton Connecticut. 20 first graders and 6 staff members lost their lives and many more are traumatized by the event. Newton Connecticut will never be the same after this horrible ordeal. Since the tragedy has taken place, people have asked many questions, where is God? What kind of God would let this to happen to kids? Why don't we have stricter gun control? Emotions are running high about this situation, at least until the next news cycle. I have a differing opinion about some of this and that might have been why I did not immediately post anything about it, but I would like to offer my opinion on some of the questions asked. 

Where is God? What kind of God would allow this to happen to kids.  

God is still on the throne, He is still in control. He was there in every person that has helped and will help these kids get past this horrible tragedy. God did not cause this to happen to kids, and He grieves with us. If you want to be angry at God for this incident, go right ahead, God will honor your anger, and understand. God is big enough to take you being angry at Him. 2nd Corinthians 1:7 tells us that God is here to console those who suffer and if you want to scream, cry, whatever, God will still be there to wipe away your tears. As to why, simply put some people are evil. I have thought in the darkest parts of my mind when someone goes on a rampage like they did in CT, and then kills themselves why could they not just start with themselves? But that kind of thinking is not very pastoral so I try to keep it under wraps. There is evil in the world just as their is good in the world and we cannot blame everything that happens on God. Some people are just evil. 

Why don't we have stricter gun control?  

There are some who believe that if gun laws were stricter, these kinds of tragedies would not happen. I disagree.Whenever there is a tragedy and someone begins to talk about gun control I think of Paul, my "best friend" in High School currently doing time for the murder of another one of my friends. Paul always had guns, it didn't matter what laws were in place he found a way to buy them and found a way to get rid of them, or sell them to others. In my experience, stiffer gun control laws did not stop someone like Paul from getting a gun, it only makes it harder for someone like me, a law abiding citizen looking to protect my family. Someone like Paul looking to rob my house or do my family harm, would have the upper hand because they will break in my house prepared, and all I will be armed with is a cooling off period. I am not a gangster per se, but I grew up with quite a few, and they never had a shortage of guns on them, there was no discussion of cooling off periods, permits, concealed handgun licenses, none of that. Whenever they wanted a gun, they got a gun and that was all there was to it. Gun laws will make some people feel better when it is all said and done, but it won't get rid of evil people wanting to do others harm. 

I don't know if arming teachers would have prevented this tragedy or not, at first I thought it would but now that seems to be as much of a knee-jerk reaction as the stricter gun laws. I have no idea what it would take to prevent a tragedy like this from happening again. I can only look to God for guidance.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Getting good training

I have found a new appreciation for good training. I came across a website with training videos on practically every software you can think of and I have been studying training materials from Nelson Searcy to help me run a church more efficiently and effectively.  I strive to get better everyday and one way to do that is to get proper training. I submit that we are always getting training whether we go to a seminar, college, watch television, or not. Our minds are taking in information and we are forming habits through our actions regularly, we cannot help it. But we can determine what kind of training we are getting. The people we hang around, the books we read, the websites we visit, they all are training us and making us proficient in whatever material they are giving out. Who is training you?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Procrastination and Reading

So I just finished reading a book the other day. God With Us by Mark Allen Powell. Very strong theologian in my limited experience and I am proud that I finished the book, the only problem is I was supposed to finish reading it for my New Testament I class last fall (two semesters ago). I procrastinated in the reading when it was assigned for class and fortunately, the work was not heavily included in the Midterm or Final, but  would have helped me participate in lectures. Procrastination got the best of me, but my desire to not quit, made me keep the book, and finally get around to finish it in between everything else I have going on. I don't want to make excuses, I am busy, but everything I am doing, or supposed to be doing is adding value to my life so I should find a way to make it happen. Completing the assigned readings for my classes prepares me for class lectures, sermons, and speaking engagements. They also turn my ramblings into something coherent one day as a theologian. I must do better at completing the readings and I am already doing so.

Some of the ways I have dealt with procrastination is learning to say no. Most of my procrastination comes from the fact that I say yes to a bunch of things and end up not doing any of them. Spreading myself too thin means that no task gets enough attention to complete on time and sometimes, at all. Learning to commit to a schedule also helps with procrastination, if I deal with certain matters on a set schedule they will get completed in a timely matter. Also learning to make decisions quickly. Some tasks pile up because when the information came to me, I sat it down and said I will deal with it later, only later did not come. Making quicker decisions, learning to say no, and adhering to a schedule have helped me deal with procrastination.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Do Not Feed the Trolls

I have been running into a specific kind of troll lately on Facebook. I imagine the troll playbook is posted on 9gag or 4chan, or whatever the hipsters are using today for internet jokes. This particular troll is an attacker of religion and is attacking because they are ignorant and have no life they feel our people need to be "liberated" from the "white man's religion." I say they are coming from the same playbook because they all say the same thing: They say that Jesus did not exist, that the story of Jesus is a verbatim copy of the story of Isis, Osiris, and Horus, and that Christians, and Pastors in particular, are unlearned and preaching lies to the people. The trolls then post youtube clips of Ray Haggins and the like and tell the Pastor to "research." The final play in the troll handbook is then tell the Pastor that they will give said Pastor $5000 if they can "prove" Jesus existed.

Now a troll is defined as:

"Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted


Feeding the trolls is what I have been doing by responding to these idiots people. First of all even though they claim to have researched a topic, they provide no sources for their claims even though the Pastor may list book after book, furthermore if they do provide sources, said source is immediately more credible than the peer-reviewed books and published papers you will present on the subject. When did watching youtube videos become a credible research source? I digress, yes there are many historical problems that need to be worked out with the Christian faith, yes there are few extra-biblical sources regarding Jesus, and yes there are some similarities with some of the pagan religions. But no we are NOT peddling lies to the people!

There are few primary sources about ANYTHING regarding those times but Christianity seems to be the only thing called into question, called superstition and trolled by someone who just discovered a video and doesn't have the research capacity or presence of mind to research the claims. A person accepts Christianity, then sees a video that says Christianity is fake, they accept that without question, and then tells others to research even though they have done no research themselves. I personally would not want that kind of person in my church to begin with. I can't respect wishy washy people.

A little background on the post, I am a Mason, I was in a Masonic Facebook group and the troll began trolling members of the group as soon as he got in. He broke protocol, was cussing, misspelling words, using poor grammar, and was embarrassing himself and his organization. I commented in embarrassment that this man, had graduated from the same High School as I did. This got some laughs from the other members of the group and then he began to engage me. He made an offhand comment and I asked the troll was the comment addressed to me, if so he needed to "speak up" when talking to me. If I have a question, I tag the person I am referencing, so there is no confusion, he did not. Below is a transcript of my latest encounter with a troll. I changed his name to troll for the purpose not giving them anymore publicity than I already have. I also removed the profanity.


Im back ja preacher im talking to u what it do?
October 21 at 10:50pm via mobile · Like

October 21 at 10:50pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
October 21 at 10:51pm · Like

What school u go to wit me?
October 21 at 10:52pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Your profile says you graduated from Indianapolis North Central High School in 1999. I was class of 1998.
October 21 at 10:53pm · Like

Ok great I dont no u I c u preaching getin rich how many homeless shelters u give to.?
October 21 at 10:55pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
-_____- I'm not getting rich preaching at all. I actually pay more in tithes to the church I pastor than they pay me in salary. As far as homeless shelters community service etc. I do my share, I work shelters, drive for meals on wheels, give clothes to homeless on the streets downtown, pass out turkeys on Thanksgiving and toys for Christmas.
October 21 at 10:58pm · Like · 2

May God bless u
October 21 at 10:59pm via mobile · Like

What do u preach on
October 21 at 11:00pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
I follow a three year calendar called the lectionary. Whatever scripture is selected for that Sunday is what I preach on.
October 21 at 11:03pm · Like

Oh ok who is jesus?
October 21 at 11:04pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
English name for Yeshua ben Yosef
October 21 at 11:05pm · Like

Thanks I just belive in JESUS
October 21 at 11:09pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
To each their own....
October 21 at 11:10pm · Like

I always wondered u sure they wasn't talking about the S.U.N OF GOD?
October 21 at 11:12pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Nope. I have an analytical concordance and a Greek Bible, all of those English transliterations and acronyms don't work when you start looking at the actual words used in the original languages.
October 21 at 11:14pm · Edited · Like

October 21 at 11:17pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Sure if that's how you feel fine, I've done the Jesus didn't exist dance before.
October 21 at 11:20pm · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
You not even a full quarter in and running around like you have obtained all this knowledge....
October 21 at 11:22pm · Like

The bible schools didnt teach u THAT? Ill teech u sence u said speak up when talking to u.I got 5000 say I can prove JESUS NEVER WALKED THIS EARTH.if he did it would be a statue of the n---- all over the planet.but u cant live without the S.U.N for 15 min or the whole earth will freeze.fairytails are for kids the temptations got a song STEALING IN THE NAME OF THE LORD
October 21 at 11:22pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Sir you have no idea what the "bible schools" taught me or didn't teach me.
October 21 at 11:24pm · Like

Better yet who wrote the bible?
October 21 at 11:24pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
No one person wrote the Bible, it is a collection of texts from multiple sources. Prior to the "Bible" there were the Masoretic Texts, the Septuagint, and collections of letters read in various churches.
October 21 at 11:26pm · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
All that is missing from you is some Ray Hagins videos
October 21 at 11:26pm · Like

Bs.william Shakespeare wrote along with 46 other scholars malachi 4 1-3 ant no jesus if jesus the sun of righteousness the forgot about that
October 21 at 11:30pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Do you even know what the Masoretic Texts are? Or the Septuagint?
October 21 at 11:31pm · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Let me start a little slower, do you know what a primary source is?
October 21 at 11:32pm · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Also did you know there were other versions of the Bible prior to the KJV that you want attribute to Shakespeare?
October 21 at 11:34pm · Like

Look I dont care prove he was real ill donate 5000 to your church ig u can but go to my page check out ray haggins council of niceia who created jesus and just say thanks and stay out of it.lies on the lips of a priests
October 21 at 11:36pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
LOL! And there is the Ray Hagin drop I knew it
October 21 at 11:37pm · Like · 2

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
I'll do without your 5Gs sir.
October 21 at 11:39pm · Like · 1

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Didn't answer any questions, gave no primary sources just said a bunch of stuff you picked up on the street.
October 21 at 11:39pm · Like · 1

White man got u preaching his gospel cant tell me about the nubians the land of cush ancient kemet thay jesus story was wtitten 7800 years bc.noah arch epic of Gilgamesh 2500 bc fairytails goodnite
October 21 at 11:39pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Again, you have no idea who is teaching me or what I teach. I know very well about the epic of Gilgamesh, Kushites, Hyksos, Haribu, the Armana Letters and then some, because that is what they teach at "Bible School"
October 21 at 11:41pm · Like · 1

U talking bs about jesus on the net n---- if u ant a mason stay the f#&*$ out the conversation cowan ease dropping on convo then got the nerve to be a preacher bacc in the day u couldnt preach if u wasn't a mason or eastern star.European thinking never again
October 21 at 11:46pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
I actually haven't said anything about Jesus other than that is the English name of Yeshua Ben Yosef
October 21 at 11:48pm · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Reading is fundemental
October 21 at 11:48pm · Like

Jesus cant save u n----- Deuteronomy telk u that everybody accountable for his own sin.n---- please
October 21 at 11:48pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
I think you just wait until you see my name come up on the thread and start typing again, without actually reading what I type.
October 21 at 11:50pm · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
You just think what they told you Christians would say in response and you have the next response locked and loaded.
October 21 at 11:50pm · Like

October 21 at 11:50pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
All this talk of enlightenment but all this n-word talk at the same time
October 21 at 11:51pm · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Why quote scripture if it was written by a playwright?
October 21 at 11:52pm · Like

Im grown and its america stop me.he that has no sin N----(in all caps so I know he means it) cast the first stone!
October 21 at 11:53pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
I have no desire to stop you, I'm just saying you are contradicting yourself. Also why do you have to tell me you are grown, your actions should tell that for you? And who said anything about sin?
October 21 at 11:55pm · Like · 1

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Look man I understand. You just got into Masonry, its new, its fresh, you are learning new things. I was like that my first year in the Lodge too, there is no need to run around with your chest all out, being FB gangsta challenging people on the net, you will only get laughed at.
October 21 at 11:56pm · Edited · Like · 3

Thats what im tellin u.I was brain washed but when getting off them slave ship we as blacks weren't christians im traveling to find who I am.u should travel also.head east where the gospels started
October 21 at 11:57pm via mobile · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
Been there, done that, found my home back in Christianity.
October 21 at 11:58pm · Like · 1

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
That may not be your path.
October 21 at 11:58pm · Like

Johnnie Simpson Jr.
I'm not pushing it on you, nor do I have a desire to.


He claimed he was going to sleep after that, I was surprised to come back to the group the next morning  and see all the other brothers piling on him for his behavior and calling for his deletion from the group. I  fault myself for even engaging the troll. These Ray Hagins "scholars" have been popping up recently and they seem to find me and my little clerical collar looking for an argument. I cannot allow them to live rent free in my head, and I cannot at ANY cost feed anymore trolls.

Johnnie Simpson Jr.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Been pretty busy lately, haven't had a chance to blog. I started another semester of seminary, taking Old Testament I, and Christian Heritage I which is basically a history class. I am enjoying this semester a lot more, but I haven't gotten any grades back yet. The church I pastor has a website now,

I have also started podcasting sermons at and on Itunes under Johnnie Simpson Jr.

Just trying to create a bit of a pastoral web presence for my church and myself. I am not sure how, this happened but after the second batch of 4 sermons were uploaded to the web some of them hit 100 plays in a 4 day span and a Palm Sunday Sermon I preached got 238 I have also got the idea in my head to publish a book. I have started writing it I just have to power through it. I want to keep it around 100 pages, and not be too academic.

Last Sunday was also World Communion Sunday for the United Methodist Church. My church Haven Chapel UMC worshipped with St. Paul AME Church. It was good to get involved with the community, I intend to do a whole lot more. Big plans in store, big plans.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Back from Local Pastor School!!!!!

So I just finished my last day of Local Pastor Licensing School (LPLS). For those who may not know, LPLS is pretty much pastoral hazing. It is a one week crash course covering the basics of things I need to know in order to effectively pastor a church. They cover weddings, funerals, sacraments, polity, Christian education, evangelism and a whole lot more. LPLS is supposed to be 80 hours and they try to fit those 80 hours into 9 days most of which are 12 hours plus. I gained 12 pounds from sitting around slamming Dr Pepper to stay awake in class. I feel I am better for it, I came back with some immediate changes I want to make at my appointment and in my ministry. I asked my wife to design a letterhead for the church, I plan to send out letters to the members and supporters of the church this week. I also have some more tools to develop a simple website for the church, and I am uploading some sermons to podcast while I type this blog. ( I also have some ideas to better operate the church Facebook page. I have some tips on pastoral care and handling weddings and funerals. Still a Pastor in training, I think I will always be one of those but I came back with a good experience.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Things are coming along well for this pastor in training. I have a better understanding of church administration, I am also getting ready for Local Pastor Licensing School this July. Eight days of training in how to be a pastor and getting my license so I can legally marry people.

Since last post I had to preach my first memorial service. I used 2 Samuel when David's son died, I spoke on what David did after his son passed. David, mourned, then he washed his face, went to worship and fellowship, then he ate, as long we can continue to do those things after the death of a loved one we be able to grieve and deal with our loss. It won't make us feel better immediately but it will help us process. I learned that and what I know about funerals and memorial from two people Willie Lane, and Kirbyjon Caldwell. Working at Windsor Village UMC  I probably attended close to 100 funerals in a two year time period, I wouldn't call myself a professional funeral goer but if I was called on to officiate a funeral on short notice I am confident I could do it.

Other than that, preparing for LPLS and working on the vision of Haven Chapel UMC have been my professional focus. I look forward to what God has in store for us.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So I finished my first year of Seminary, exciting stuff, I am pretty sure my GPA is less than stellar. I know that may have repercussions if and when I decide I want to be a doctor but I was really just happy to get out with my head still intact. I have some great tools to use when creating sermons, I have made some good friends in class, I have also learned that I am not the smartest guy in the room sometimes. I haven't been one to try to aim for straight A's but getting pretty high marks in my first Master's degree made me think Seminary would be pretty easy.......-_-......not so much. There is always next year, but I learned a lot about myself, mainly that I have a lot to learn about myself and what I truly believe theologically. Now I have to catch up on the reading I wanted to do 'for fun.' I have a book on preaching I want to read, another one on revitalizing churches in decline, another on prayer, and 6 on the Kingdom of God, I guess I better get started. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

So I got my first real live Jesus chain letter. It came with a Jesus prayer rug on it and instructions on how to pass the prophecy on. I wasn't supposed to open it unless I was serious about the prophecy. The "prayer rug" was made of paper and had was about the size of an unfolded napkin. It had a picture of Jesus on it with His eyes closed and I was supposed to pray until His eyes began to open. -_-

What part of the game is this? Pray until His eyes open? Jesus chain letters!?!? People are taking this way out of hand. I first get a little frustrated as their is so much talent at SMU that doesn't have a church appointment, and then there is this foolishness running free without restrictions.Not that it is the fault of the denomination but I just see people doing such foolishness in the name of the Lord and and it gets frustrating. Somebody somewhere took that crap seriously and is following the instructions to the tee, looking for some sort of breakthrough in their life. There is more work to be done.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I've been working on my next sermon and the title will be God is Love part of me thinks that is "low hanging fruit" but part of me is looking for the challenge of bringing something new and fresh to the message (at least something new and fresh to me). I am preaching from 1 John 5:7-21, so I know I can talk about showing love instead of just saying it. I know that I can end with Jesus committing the ultimate act of love by dying on the cross for us. I also see some room in there for 1 Corinthians 13, and a description of the different Greek words for love, agape, phileo, etc, but my issue is EVERYBODY already preaches on those things when speaking on love. I am following the lectionary for the time being and I don't really want to preach on the other 3 scriptures offered for this week. The good thing is i still have time to hash this out.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So the semester is coming to an end for me, my head is bloodied but unbowed by the expectations of graduate level coursework. I was so used to getting by on the strength of my ideas that I did not care much for presentation. My idea are not tested in Seminary, but the presentation, and the coursework and research that I used to come to the conclusion are tested.

The church, Haven Chapel UMC is growing, so is the pastor ;-). I haven't started canvassing the community yet but that will happen as soon as I finish this semester. I am also waiting until we at least meet more than once a month. Which will happen in 2 months. My time at WVUMC seems to be coming to an end so I will have time to reach out to the community in West & East Columbia starting in May. Preparation and ground work will be my friends in this upcoming season of my life.

Friday, January 27, 2012

So I need to loose about 35-40 pounds as soon as possible. I have started drinking more water, getting some more rest, eating less double quarter pounders with cheese (lord help me that will be hard) and eating more fruits and vegetables. There is a gym in my apartment complex but I haven't been to it yet. I have also started doing push ups and sit ups during the commercial breaks of tv shows. Why? because I want to be around to see my son and daughter on the way grow up. I don't want to miss the major events of their lives and and I don't want to be winded walking up a flight of stairs. Plus being a pastor is supposedly a strain on your health so I don't want to be unhealthy in an unhealthy profession. Well see where this goes.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Back to School

Getting prepared to start my second semester of seminary. I plan to do a lot better than I did last semester. Last semester was an assault on my use (or miss use) of grammar and syntax. Last semester showed me that even though I have been able to will my way through a lot of things I must put in the work to accomplish earning an Mdiv. I cannot wait to get back in the stride of things.