Thursday, October 11, 2012

Been pretty busy lately, haven't had a chance to blog. I started another semester of seminary, taking Old Testament I, and Christian Heritage I which is basically a history class. I am enjoying this semester a lot more, but I haven't gotten any grades back yet. The church I pastor has a website now,

I have also started podcasting sermons at and on Itunes under Johnnie Simpson Jr.

Just trying to create a bit of a pastoral web presence for my church and myself. I am not sure how, this happened but after the second batch of 4 sermons were uploaded to the web some of them hit 100 plays in a 4 day span and a Palm Sunday Sermon I preached got 238 I have also got the idea in my head to publish a book. I have started writing it I just have to power through it. I want to keep it around 100 pages, and not be too academic.

Last Sunday was also World Communion Sunday for the United Methodist Church. My church Haven Chapel UMC worshipped with St. Paul AME Church. It was good to get involved with the community, I intend to do a whole lot more. Big plans in store, big plans.

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