Monday, July 8, 2024

Unforced Errors- Pastor Johnnie Simpson Jr.

In this powerful message, we explore Psalm 130 and the concept of 'unforced errors' in our spiritual lives. Just as athletes make mistakes that aren't caused by their opponents, we too stumble in our faith journey. The psalmist's cry 'out of the depths' resonates with our own moments of despair and failure. We're reminded that in our darkest hours, when we feel we've made irreparable mistakes, we can still cry out to God. His forgiveness is assured, not because we deserve it, but because of His unfailing love. This psalm teaches us to wait on the Lord with hope, understanding that His timing isn't always ours, but His redemption is certain. It's a beautiful reminder that no matter how deep our pit, God's love and forgiveness reach deeper still.

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