Monday, September 9, 2024

Just YouTube It - Pastor Johnnie Simpson Jr.

In this powerful message, we dive deep into the book of James, exploring what it truly means to live as a Christian in today's world. The central theme revolves around being 'doers of the word, not hearers only.' We're challenged to reflect on how our faith translates into action, particularly in how we treat others and care for the vulnerable. The scripture emphasizes that true religion isn't just about attending church or saying the right words, but about actively living out our faith through deeds of love and compassion. Just as an 8-year-old boy learned to drive perfectly by watching a tutorial and then putting it into practice, we're called to take the instructions given in God's word and apply them to our lives with equal dedication. This message reminds us that our faith should be visible in our actions, our speech, and our treatment of others, especially those who cannot care for themselves.

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