Showing posts with label Alton Sterling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alton Sterling. Show all posts

Monday, July 11, 2016

God Ain't Passing By Here

Alton Sterling- They say "wait for investigation, we don't know what happened"

Philando Castile – They say "wait for the investigation, we don't know what happened"

 Dallas Shooting - No waiting for the investigation, the wrong man's name and face blasted everywhere and our Lt. Governor goes on air blaming the Black Lives Matters previous protests and saying are “hypocrites." Regardless of the fact that the assailant saying he was not a part of BLM.

I have met people at the front of the movement in Houston and in Dallas, they are seminary trained (go figure) pastors and activists with a heart for social justice. It is possible to be upset about all three events and not be one vs. the other.

With what is going on in the world it’s hard to see God in all of this, it feels like God is not passing by here anymore.

What about black on black crime? What about it? The same FBI homicide report used to cite “black on black” crimes will show that the majority of Caucasians are killed by other Caucasians, same with other ethnicities, this is not black on black crime it is neighbor on neighbor crime because we are segregated in schools, places of employment, neighborhoods, and (gasp) churches.

Where are the preachers? Some say they are too busy money grabbing, I say by and large preachers don't make that much money, they have been kicked out many places (namely school, mainstream media and popular culture) already, and much of what is said is taken out of context.

This is nothing new, Amos was told not to prophesy in Bethel, told to earn his bread elsewhere, and he was misquoted to the king.

What do we need to do?
Pray, keep praying - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Psalm 82:1-4, Isaiah 55:6, Philippians 4:4-6, and pray some more 2 Chronicles 7:14, there was a long passage of time between ch5-6 and what was said in 7. Praying will work better than changing a picture or arguing with people on social media.

Don't return evil for evil (1 Peter 3:9), and be smart about your actions-This is not cowardice, meekness is strength under control. People remember the shouting and marching, but it was the economic impact that changed things during the Civil Rights Movement.

Get involved - paying attention and getting mad about what happens nationally is good, but just as much damage, if not more is being done at your school board, neighborhood association, city council and state legislature, by the time there is some national outrage it is almost too late the damage has been done. Hold city council and mayors as accountable if you want change in Police action. You don’t have to be a preacher to speak truth to power Amos did not consider himself a proper prophet, he was a herdsman and tended to the sycamore trees, but God gave him a vision and he obeyed.